5 Best Way To Start Your Day

5 Best Way To Start Your Day - Moniedism
Most people find it difficult to get up, especially after the weekend. And a bad start is usually also made in terms of motivation and concentration.

5 Best way to start your day

Get the day off to a good start with these 5 tips.

1. Go to sleep early

A good morning routine starts the night before. Only those who get enough sleep - six to eight hours are recommended for adults - are not totally exhausted in the morning.

Ideally, you get used to regular sleeping and getting up times and keep them at the weekend or on days off - or even when you are working from home. In this way, the body finds a natural rhythm and signals how much sleep it needs.

2. Stand up straight away

The alarm clock rings at 6:25 a.m., but the snooze button is regularly pressed until shortly after 7 a.m.: This procedure is no stranger to many. The supposed to snuggle up comfortably in the pillows again, but usually does not have the desired effect.

Rather, the alternation between dozing off and being startled means stress for the body - and ultimately frustration that one way or another getting up cannot be avoided. Snooze fans will also know the problem of having blown the alarm clock too much and then being under time pressure.

3. Don't get online right away

Even if it is difficult to get rid of this habit: Do not pull out your cell phone immediately after getting up and scroll through the feeds of your social networks on the way to the bathroom.

The overstimulation of everyday life starts early enough. And you'll stare at screens all day. So give your eyes a little more relaxation - that is good for your overall perception.

4. Consciously define and plan morning routines

Everyone will define a good start to the day differently for themselves: It can be to have a hearty and healthy breakfast or to meditate for a quarter of an hour or to read a chapter in a book.

Before you practice certain rituals, it is important to listen to what puts a smile on your face at an early age. It is of little use to orientate oneself to the habits of others who get up at 5 am to have “time for themselves” if the very thought of it makes one uncomfortable.

Also consider how much time they realistically have before work. Incidentally, you can also plan an optimal start to the day as a couple and thus motivate each other.

5. Doing morning exercise

Even if you get out of bed relatively easily, you may not be fit enough to jog by 7:30 a.m. However, exercise in the morning has advantages: the metabolism revs up, the body is supplied with a good portion of oxygen - in short: you feel fresh and full of energy.

The boom in online fitness studios triggered by the corona pandemic could make it easier for many to challenge themselves physically even before hours of desk work: Most providers have courses on "Sunrise Fit" and "Morning Mobility" in their portfolio, Minutes to perk you up.

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