5 Successful Business Ideas For 2021

5 Successful Business Ideas For 2021 - Moniedism

Today, I will share with you, 5 Startup Ideas, which I think are perfect for 2021. Readers, 2020 was an explosive year for the startup scene of the World, there were many unicorns, many startups were launched, It was a successful year and I can assure you that 2021 is going to be better than the past year. Not only the number of unicorns but also the number of start-ups that will be launched will be the highest.

So, now the question comes that, among all these start-ups ideas, which one should be chosen to work upon? And through this post, I will share with you 5 start-up ideas that I think will be perfect for 2021

Education Technology

Ed-tech, there was a transformation in education 2020. Why? Because of the lockdown and pandemic, nobody could go to schools, colleges and tuition centers were closed, all training centers were closed, So everything moved online and when everything moved online, people realized its potential. Because now, it was not needed for the world’s best teacher, best professor to be at a place physically, they could teach people, students sitting at their home.

Whether it's music, its dance, its poetry, its musical instruments, its physical fitness, languages. Many courses were created, educators came forward and the students realized so many possibilities in 2020.

And I feel that if you are thinking about a start-up idea for 2021 or planning for it then ed-tech is a brilliant place to start. 

Don’t focus on schools and colleges because that becomes very technical and there are a lot of good players who are already doing a lot of good stuff there.

Focus on skilling. Skilling can be 2-3 types.


Job Skilling: One type of skill is for people who didn’t do well in their college or didn’t go to a good college, and create an opportunity for them which makes them employable.

  • English Speaking Courses
  • Personality Development Courses
  • Sales Training
  • Marketing Training
  • How to Speak Confidently 

All these things are important for job skilling.

Personality Development or Soft Skilling: Each working person knows that to become a leader, a manager, many aspects of their personality are important. So, not just the technical skills but also the soft skills.

  • Confidence Building 
  • Team Management
  • Leadership
  • Conflict Management
  • Critiacal Desicieon Making

All of them are important. And these don’t require technical know-how, anyone who is an expert in these can be a great instructor, all you need is a platform to get there.

Recreational Learning: Something which will not change your life but you want to learn it because it will improve your life. It could be 

  • Hobby-based learning 
  • Entertainment-based learning

Personal Finance

One thing that everyone wants to understand, but very few understand, is money, finance, managing their money. And I think that a start-up can explore the full domain of personal finance, especially for teenagers and for Gen-Z.

Who is between 13-21 age groups, because of these peoples from the bulk of the population. Many of them are still not earning, they have never earned or they have just started earning, and they have no idea about how to manage their money.

So, In personal finance, you can create content, which is just educational. In personal finance, you can create tools through which people can save and invest money.

There are lots of great, very interesting apps which make it easy for young kids, young adults to start thinking about money, saving, investing. So, all of these are part of personal finance. It is a brilliant segment to be in and if you can crack this space, there is money to be made like nothing else.

Food or Agri-Tech

Food is the foundation of every country. There is nothing without food. Food Delivery apps have already exploded, it's a very competitive space, So I wouldn't suggest that. But it has a back-end which is the supply side. If Uber Eats and Zomato deliver food, then they pick food from somewhere. From where? From a restaurant, but these days having a restaurant is not as lucrative as used to be. 

People don't go there that much, might not even change, and that's why there is a concept of Cloud Kitchens. Cloud Kitchens are those which do not serve a restaurant, instead, they serve only orderings and food deliveries. And that is a great space to be in.

If you can create a brand that serves good food, has attractive pricing, has good packaging, then with very low investment, you can create this entire business and make it into a start-up that is completely tech-enabled and there in the food delivery space. 

Agri-Tech, another interesting space. Agri-Tech means how to manage food production, food delivery, food maintenance, and food growth.

Whatever the case may be organic farming is very interesting, many people want to eat pesticide-free, chemical-free, fertilizers-free food and they don't find it easy to get it or insanely expensive. So many people are making their own farms or renting farms. 

A start-up like that allows people to rent out farmlands in small pieces to grow their own food and take care of everything. So, you will literally rent farmland, at very cheap rates, and then you go about telling them you need these vegetables and they will produce it for you, even deliver it to your doorstep. 

Similarly, food distribution, a big pain area of many worlds. So much food is harvested and it gets wasted because storage is not good, transportation is not good, the supply chain is not proven, so if you can do something in that area, that's a great space to be.

Content and Content Curation

Content has exploded. We all know that the amount of Netflix we watched cumulatively in 2020, we had never done that before. 

Whether it is Netflix, whether it is YouTube, whether it is any such OTT, content is absolutely completely invading our lives. And based on this, content start-ups are becoming really successful.

It is not about creating a content platform, because that game is very difficult. Creating YouTube again is very difficult, but the content on YouTube, who is creating that? Peoples like individuals or media creators. But many businesses and start-ups are producing content like a production house. They are doing a remarkable job, on the dot every month, every week, a web series or production which is doing really well.

Content Curation, something very interesting which could not be done earlier. So much content has been created that now people need a curation or a filtering mechanism.

For Example, If I ask you to tell me a way to file my income tax, then your first reaction would be, 'Search on Google'. But when you search on Google, then you see so many web pages, everybody is selling something. 

So you don't know, which means there is actually business to be created, where you are giving a simple answer to the question asked by people and curating all the best content. So you are not creating the content yourself, but you are selecting the best content out of all that is available on the internet and giving it to people, and that will be enough for people to pay for it. 

For Example, There are so many brilliant videos on YouTube on 'How to save taxes?', then why should I make a new video on 'How to save taxes?'. If you want full knowledge on saving taxes, then my job as a start-up would be to curate and select the best content on 'Save Taxes', whether it's a video or an article or a post or whatever, and give it to you in a completely comprehensible fashion, and that is a business itself.


Gaming has become huge and I predict in 2021, it will be even more huge. And gaming does not necessarily mean big and extravagant games, small and entertaining games can also become really huge. For example
  • Games for Children's can become huge
  • Games for Young Adults also a big category
So gaming as an industry is extremely lucrative in 2021 as a start-up idea. Don't think that for this, you will have to be a techie or you will have to spend a lot in game development because, yes, the best games cost a lot to create and take a lot of years to create, but as I said, think small and simple. So start simple and think simple.

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